Amul Sharma

Software Developer / Problem Solver.


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About Me


Full Stack Developer

Name : Amul Sharma
Phone : +91 7982058976
Home : Gopalganj (BIHAR)
Gmail :


Innovative Web Developer with a passion to build and launch new projects. I enjoy creating user-friendly applications and have a knack in backend development. Passionate to deliver precised and systematic code. A self-motivated person, along with a team player, and ardent in solving diverse problems. My other interest includes Reading books, and Travelling.



  • Hindalya-Education
    Hindalya Still Working On it

    A Web Application which help you out to find Guidance from Experts and Courses.

    Feature:- Dynamic Routing, Mentor, Course, about and 404 Pages, Responsive

    #React Js #Next Js #Express JS #Mogoose #nodejs #Material-UI

    A web application that provode you to all the social media features.

    Feature:- userAuthentication, user post(CRUD), and Add Friend, like, dislike post.

    #React Js #Express JS #Mogoose #nodejs #Material-UI
  • weather App

    A simple nodejs application, where you can see the real-time weather of your city.

    Feature:- Real-time API call,404Error pages, and Responsive.

    #HTML #CSS #Javascript #Bootstrap #nodejs #Express
  • todo-app
    Todo App

    A todo app with CRUD Operation.

    Feature:- Real-time API call, Add, Edit, and Delete

    #MongoDB #Express #React #Node #Next #Javascript
  • music player
    Lyric App

    A simple Frontent end application, where you can hear the musics.

    Feature :- Controls buttons, Progressive bar, and Responsive.

    #HTML #CSS #Javascript
  • Dynamic Quotes
    Dynamic Quotes

    This is a simple DynamicQuotes application whare user can select a Quotes and post it in one click.

    #HTML #CSS #Javascript
  • Resume
    Computer Institute

    It is a responsive Website for Computer coaching centers for online representation.

    #CSS #HTML #Javascript #Bootstrap
